Nangs Delivery Canberra

Open 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM Delivery in 15-60 Minutes Delivery Within Canberra

Average delivery Time 15-40 Min Instant SMS Confirmation

Open 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM Delivery in 15-60 Minutes Delivery Within Canberra
Average delivery Time 15-60 Min Instant SMS Confirmation

Skywhip Pro Max 3.3L Cream Chargers N2O Tank

In Stock

Capacity- 3.3 Litre

Colour- Red

Material- Stainless Steel & Metal

Gas Content- Highest Culinary Grade N2O gas

Original price was: $180.00.Current price is: $160.00.


Too many orders of creamy treats? Nangs Canberra presents, A1 Skywhip XL cream chargers with an exceptional capacity of 3.3 litres, allowing you to whip up large batches in a short amount of time. These stainless steel cream chargers hold 2000g of pure nitrous oxide. Its generous size is perfect for catering events, busy kitchens, and bakeries. Buy now & experience the fast nang delivery in Canberra today. 

Product Highlight

  • The 3.3L cream charger saves time and effort compared to smaller ones. 
  • Enjoy the benefits of creating whipped cream with ease. 
  • Skywhip Pro Max cream charger tank offers a large capacity for extended use. 
  • New proprietary cleaning methods ensure that no oily residue or industrial aftertaste is left behind.
  • Manufacturers must comply with the following standards and certifications: CE, FDA, ISO22000(2005), ISO 9001, ISO 9002, and ISO 14001.

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