Nangs Delivery Canberra

Open 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM Delivery in 15-60 Minutes Delivery Within Canberra

Average delivery Time 15-40 Min Instant SMS Confirmation

Open 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM Delivery in 15-60 Minutes Delivery Within Canberra
Average delivery Time 15-60 Min Instant SMS Confirmation

Whipped Cream Charger Cracker

In Stock

Colour: Various

Material: Solid Metal

Shape: Cylindrical



Need a dependable and secure method to let the cream charger’s gas out? You’re all set with Cream Charger Cracker from Nangs Canberra. This compact portable gadget helps you to safely release the rich N20 gas from your cream chargers. With a simple twist-and-turn mechanism, you can easily open cream chargers to make fresh and perfect whipped cream. Order now & get fast cream chargers delivery in Canberra.

Product Highlights: 

  • Designed specifically for cracking whipped cream chargers effortlessly. 
  • Made with alloy metal and rubber for long-lasting performance.
  • Available in multiple colours including Black, Silver, Red, Blue, and Gold.
  • Utilizes a twist-and-turn method for easy operation and precise cream dispensing.
  • Features a rubber grip for added comfort and control during usage.

safety note

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