Nangs Delivery Canberra

Open 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM Delivery in 15-60 Minutes Delivery Within Canberra

Average delivery Time 15-40 Min Instant SMS Confirmation

Open 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM Delivery in 15-60 Minutes Delivery Within Canberra
Average delivery Time 15-60 Min Instant SMS Confirmation

Miami Magic Infusions 2 x N2O Cylinders 3.3L

In Stock

Capacity: 2048g /3.3L

Colour: Miami Blue

Weight: 15kg per carton (2 units)

Size/cardboard: 23cm x 23cm x 32cm



Are you GTA game Lover looking to add a Miami touch to your recipes? If so, Nangs Canberra is there to deliver you GTA themed- Miami Magic Infusions cream charger in Canberra. The cream charger cylinder is filled with 9g  Ultra-Pure Culinary Gas – which ensures smooth & delicious whipped cream. Whether you are looking forward to making refreshing mocktails or craving-satisfied treats – buy a cream charger today.

Product Highlights: 

– World’s First 9g Charger

– Reduce Extra Wastage

– Easier & Safer Refill Process

– Perfect for Standard Cream Dispensers

– Blue Spray Painted Coating


The listing is for the canister only. 

The regulator set is sold separately. 

WARNING – Please only dispose of empty canisters. 

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